Benevolence Committee
Committee Chairperson:
Yaa Shepsu
Manages the chapter's social media, email newsletter and marketing for events.
Committee Chairperson:
Sharron McDaniel
Presents workshops, forums, seminars, institutes and any other appropriate source for communicating with members and the community-at-large on relevant social issues.
Committee Chairperson:
Olivya Wilson and E'laine Williams
Plans and executes fund-raising projects for the Chapter.
Committee Chairperson:
Dr. Renata Hedrington-Jones
Membership Committee
Prepares and distributes a quarterly newsletter and develops recruitment materials to publicize the Chapter. Encourages members to participate as presenters at national and local conventions and conferences.
Committee Chairperson:
Edward Richards
Mentoring/Licensing Committee
Committee Chairperson:
Kevin Holder
Develops guidelines for awarding financial aid to qualifying students and makes recommendations at the May meeting for recipients of the Annual RABSW Scholarship. Scholarship and book award recipients shall be invited to attend the annual meeting and receive their awards.
Committee Chairpersons:
Kathryn Bentley
Social Action Committee
Prepares a Social Action Agenda in concert with the positions of the NASBW. Presents the Chapter's position on issues of concern, to the appropriate political venue. Develops partnerships with other groups interested in alleviating social problems in the Black Community.
Committee Chairperson:
Elliot Cox